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Trent and Tyler J. with a nice pike from our lake, August 2004. Joey R. with a nice stringer of eating bass caught on a nearby lake, 2004.

Some late-ice panfish I caught by the boat landing of Benoit, March 2005.

Cousin George C. with a pair of good bass from Benoit, circa 2005.

Muskies being stocked into our lake, fall 2005. Mary C. with a Benoit musky she caught and released, 2004.  Probably a fish stocked a couple of years earlier.
Mary C. with a nice pike from adjoining Rice Lake, summer 2004. Dave A. caught and released this nice bass in our bay, September, 2004.

Late-September and early-October can bring out great colors in our bay.

Glenn and Jim B with a nice couple of hats and a decent bass.  I think this photo was from autumn, 2005.

Early morning fog on our bay.
Snow on our driveway, December 2005. Autumn, south end of Benoit Lake, 2004.

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